Video Q&A
Have legal questions related to your current or former job?
For over 20 years, Schorr & Associates has defended and protected the rights of employees. We handle matters of discrimination, wrongful termination, whistle blowing, retaliation and many other employment issues. We also represent employees who are confused or having problems with contracts such as severance agreements, non-compete agreements, and arbitration agreements. If you have been terminated and you are having trouble obtaining unemployment benefits, we may be able to help you with that as well. Our attorneys fight hard for our clients and we always provide a patient and understanding ear. Please give us a call for a free consultation. We’d love to talk to you.
Are you eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act provides that an employee’s job must be protected for up to 12 weeks if the employee or an employee’s family member has a serious health condition requiring care. But you are only entitled to Family Medical Leave Act protection if you work for a company that has 50 or more employees within 75 miles of your location, you’ve worked for the company for one year, and you’ve worked at least 1250 hours during that year. There is further protection under the New Jersey Family Leave Act that provides up to 12 weeks of job protection to care for a family member. In some circumstances, an employee can be eligible for leave under both the NJ Family Leave Act and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and can be eligible for up to 24 weeks of job protected leave. For example, a pregnant woman may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave for her pregnancy and then within 2 years after giving birth may be able to exercise up to 12 weeks of NJ family leave to bond with the child. And believe it or not, the father under the NJ family leave act may also be eligible for leave! These are very important laws; if you believe your employer has violated these laws, give us a call for a free initial consultation.
Is your Disability causing you to be treated differently at work?
The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and the Americans with Disabilities Act protect against discrimination on the basis of disability. To qualify as a disability under these laws, the health condition does not need to be a permanent disability. Employers are required to engage in an interactive process to determine whether reasonable accommodation for your disability can be provided and must provide reasonable accommodations. Employers cannot take adverse action against you, including termination, because of your disability. If you suffer from a health condition and are having problems at work because of it, give us a call. These cases require expertise and investigation to pursue, and we will work hard to protect your rights. We provide a free consultation and look forward to hearing from you.
What are your Civil Rights in the workplace?
The category of civil rights encompasses discrimination matters but it also encompasses matter of constitutional importance. If you are a public employee, you have constitutional protections. You have additional protections, for example, public speech and speech of matters of public importance are protected by the First Amendment. These First Amendment claims can be very difficult to prove and very legally difficult but we have handled these matters with great success at our firm over the years. If you believe you have had your civil rights violated or if you have a constitutional question, give us a call. We will give you a free consultation.
Is your gender or sexual orientation causing you to be treated differently at work?
The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and federal law protect against discrimination on the basis of gender. Gender discrimination is a broad category including not just your gender, but also discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, sexual identity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and sexual harassment. These cases can be difficult to prove. At Schorr & Associates, we work hard to ensure that your rights are protected and your case diligently pursued. We can fight all of these gender discrimination matters. Give us a call, we will patiently speak with you and give you a free initial telephone consultation. If you have a problem let us help you.
Do you have an employment issue and need an attorney?
Handling an employment matter can be very difficult. It is confusing, there are court rules that are very difficult to follow, and there are administrative rules. There are a lot of hoops that need to be jumped through. We have handled many matters for people who have come to us after they have tried to handle the matter themselves only to find out they have made a mistake that can’t be rectified. We can help protect you from that. Just give us a call. We will talk about your matter and we will decide whether or not if this is something that you can handle yourself or whether this is something that an attorney can help you through. Give us a call, it’s a free consultation. We’d love to hear from you!
Is your race causing you to be treated differently at work?
Unfortunately race discrimination still exists in America and it still exists in our workplaces. We hear from many people here at Schorr & Associates that have suffered from race discrimination in the workplace. Race discrimination can come in two forms: “disparate impact”, where an employer enacts a policy that affects one race more than others, and “disparate treatment”, where an individual or group of individual is treated differently because of their race. Race discrimination can be difficult to prove. We have experience litigating these matters, helping us guide you through this difficult process. we can help you fight for these claims. Give us a call for a free initial consultation and we will let you know if you have a claim for race discrimination.
Don't Quit Your Job
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What rights do you have to refuse a flu vaccination?
Increasingly, health care employers are adopting flu vaccination policies. These flu vaccine policies require all employees, sometimes even employees who have no contact with patients, to either get the flu vaccine or be terminated. There are generally exemptions such as medical exemptions and religious exemptions, but sometimes employers discriminate against employees who request these medical or religious exemptions. If you are having a problem for not taking the flu vaccine, give us a call. We can help protect your rights. Give us a call for a free consultation and we can talk you through it. We look forward to hearing from you!
Unlawful Treatment
Discrimination / Harassment
It is unlawful for employers to harass or discriminate based on an employee’s protected class.
Disqualified or Denied
Unemployment Compensation
The Department of Labor has complicated rules. You should consult an attorney.
The Fine Print Matters
Employment Agreements
Severance, non-compete, and other agreements may be unlawful or contain hidden traps.
Were you fired?
Wrongful Termination
Employers cannot legally terminate your employment for an unlawful reason.
Conscientious Employees
It is unlawful for employers to retaliate against employees who complain or blow the whistle.
Other Employment Issues
Appeals, Mediation, Wage Issues, etc.
We help navigate through the confusing areas of employment law.